First thing in the morning I open up my inbox and find tons of junk email and most times I just delete, delete, delete. But this one made me stop for just a moment. The subject of the email was "A New Take on Stress" so I read is what the email stated;

Gandhi said “There is more to life than increasing its speed”.

Nine tenths of all our stress is a result of excessive thoughts, hurry up living and our obsession to want everything that is pleasurable.

Material things.


The fear of losing money or status.

After all, you would think Bernie Madoff had enough money before he got involved in a Ponzi scheme but he became obsessed with the fear of losing what money meant to him.

Stress from fear of not keeping up.

Stress from living up to what we perceive others expect of us.

Stress from negative thinking that makes us restless and worried.

Stop the momentum.

Pay attention to that which is really important.

Slow down and enjoy today because it is all that matters.

When visiting the past or the future, do so temporarily and then return to the present.

Ironically, we generate more stress for ourselves than others who we perceive as those who are making us miserable.

At the bottom of the email was

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