Part of the fun of planning a baby shower is selecting the perfect cake to compliment the theme of the baby shower.  When my daughter was pregnant with my first Grandchild, it was the cutest pink and brown theme, then with Lucas, it was Monkey's.

I am not even sure how these baby shower cakes came to be!

  • You Used Your What?

    Please can we be any more descriptive on how that baby came to be?  Believe it or not, this is one of the more tame, and least offensive of the inappropriate cakes that we found.

  • Does This Baby Look Familiar?

    Don't hate me, but I saw this picture and immediately thought of Brantley Gilbert.  Maybe it was all the chains and earring,  He even has a sign that says 'Baby G'!  Really I just had to use this one because of the cigars.  Who does real cigars nowadays?  If they would have used blue bubblegum cigars, it may not have made my list!

  • Got Milk? Really?

    Yes, this cake took a lot of time and talent to create, but, really?  Do we really need to see this at a baby shower?  I guess it's a true enough picture of life after baby, but maybe we could save it for when baby comes home.  A private cake for Mom and baby.

  • Cat in the Who?

    I am not even sure what I can say about this cake.  From the blacked out privates, to the baby hanging on by his feet, to the learing Cat in the Hat. I just do not get what people are thinking when they actually pay for a cake like this.

  • Silholette

    This may be the least offensive of the inappropriate cake pictures that I found, but I for one do not want to be reminded that while pregnant I looked very similar to a pink whale.  Just saying.

  • Saved the Best for Last!

    Or should I say, 'Saved the worst for last?'.  Oh my goodness.  Would you actually serve this at a baby shower.  I can hear it now, 'What cute little sperm!'.  Not a topic of conversation that I want to have at any kind of social gathering.  At least the sperm are happy.

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