Human Trafficking is in our world. It is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide and over 100,000 children are victims in the U.S. alone. There are things that we as citizens can do to get involved and help bring an end to this heinous crime. One of the ways you can do this is to educate yourself by attending The Red Cord's Specialized Training Session on How to Become a Human Trafficking Subject Matter Expert.

The Red Cord is an organization comprised of a group of individuals and organizations committed to stopping human trafficking in SW OK. They are hosting an opportunity for everyone in the Lawton Ft. Sill community to educate themselves by attending their next Specialized Training Session on Human Trafficking. The Red Cord monthly meeting for human trafficking awareness is scheduled for Sunday, June 9th from 6-8 p.m. at The Hilton in Lawton.This event is FREE & open to the public.

FYI: not able to train just anyone. Those who attend our mtgs are eligible.

To RSVP for this event, please contact

Anyone can be a trafficker. There is no usual description or stereotypical characteristic of a person who perpetuates this horrible crime. Regardless of what they look like, traffickers are unpredictable, incredibly violent and extremely dangerous. Relatives, employers, friends, pastors, teachers, professors, friends and close acquaintances can all be potential traffickers. It is important that we stay aware of certain traffic victim indicators; and also stay vigilant on all the things we can do as a community to stop this type of crime from happening; i.e., speak up, be informed, volunteer and do not be a part of the problem.

If you would like to learn more about how you can help put an end to human trafficking in southwestern Oklahoma you are free to attend any future Red Cord meeting. They meet every second Sunday at 6pm at the Hilton Garden Inn. You may also visit their website: for more information. If you feel you know someone who is a victim of human trafficking, PLEASE CALL THE CONFIDENTIAL 24-HOUR HUMAN TRAFFICKING HOTLINE.

NOTE ABOUT THE MEETING: The Hilton will have a server for you to order dinner if you’d like (your bill) and the meeting will take place in one of the smaller rooms. If you have a laptop, please bring it and and they will give you the program to download at that time for the training. If you do not have a laptop, please let them know and they will have the slides printed on handouts for you.

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