With severe weather in the forecast, Comanche County Emergency Management felt it important to remind the community of some severe weather safety tips to ensure the citizens safety.

1. Mobile homes are not safe. If you live in one, please call a friend or family with a house and seek shelter.

2. If an underground shelter is available to you, through a friend or family member, prepare to use that. DO NOT leave during the storm. Make arrangements to be present prior to the storms hitting.

3. DO NOT try to watch the storms through windows. Seek shelter at the center most point of your house. Try to place as many walls between yourself and the weather. The best place is usually in a bathroom or closet.

4. Use pillows, blankets, bicycle helmets, or anything that can be used as protection for yourself while hunkered down in a safe place. Never assume you are protected by only walls.

5. Publics shelters are NOT available. Research shows more people are injured in route to public shelters than are saved. STAY HOME, hunker down and ride out the storm. DO NOT leave during the weather event.

6. If caught on the road, pull over and find the nearest building. If on a county road, lay in a ditch and cover your head. DO NOT hide under an overpass.

Please use these tips to ensure your safety during severe weather. If you do not own a NOAA Weather Radio, purchase one. Be Aware! Be Prepared! Be Safe!

For more information visit the Comanche County website.

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