If you subscribe to social media, you may be wondering why profile pictures are all of the sudden...well, purple.

It is a show of support on the war against Cancer.  There is an app on both Facebook and Twitter that will allow your current profile picture to change to purple.  Such an easy thing to do to show support for those who are suffering from this terrible disease.

My daddy passed from a 9 month battle with Cancer in 1993.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him and how brave and strong he was.  I miss talking to him, I miss his laugh, and the way he would break out in song for no reason at all.  He was the best man I knew.  He still is.  If changing my profile can bring some extra recognition to the fight against Cancer, count me in.  It is the very least that I can do.

Purple your Profile and show your support too.


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