My name is Eric Sharum,. the one who will keep you company weekday afternoons on KLAW from 3-7. I have been in radio for the last 33 years growing up in a small town in Upper Michigan called Iron River. It was where I got my first radio job at WIKB, while still in High School in 1984. I went on to further my education in radio and tv while attending Brown Institute in Minneapolis MN, where I graduated in 1987. I moved here for my first job in Lawton OK in 1987 employed at KRLG which became KKRX. I then went on to work 2 years at KSWO as a commercial photographer and worked part time at KLAW until the morning show full time position opened up. This is where I made my place, and enjoyed many years including those with our very own Jeri Anderson with Eric and Jeri. I have been married 22 years and have 2 sons Caleb and Joshua. Even though I was born and raised in Michigan I have gladly called Lawton Home for 30 years.