If you can remember back in May, there was a salmonella outbreak across the country. It has been traced back to a pair of produce growers in Florida who used untreated canal water to irrigate a crop of cucumbers. Oklahoma was included in the list of affected states.

As much as you're thinking to yourself "Who uses untreated water for crops?" it's actually a very common practice in the places that grow our food. It just happened conditions were right to poison people this time around.


Nearly 500 people have become sick and about 25% have been hospitalized all due to a bad batch of cucumbers. What are the odds?

It certainly has been an interesting year for outbreaks. From listeria to salmonella, e. coli and more have been attributed so far this year to everything from walnuts to pet turtles.

Oklahoma's Most Brutally Notorious Murderers

While high crimes are pretty rare in the Sooner State, we have had our fair share of shocking crimes. Here's the rundown of Oklahoma's most notorious murderers.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

The Safest College Campuses in Oklahoma

As parents, there's more to worry about than just the future when it comes to their babies leaving the nest for the first time. Will they survive on their own? Will they make good decisions? Are they safe while they're away from home? These are legitimate questions every parent thinks about as their kids grow. If you have a student headed to college, here's the list of Oklahoma's safest college campuses - granted, there's a trend... The smaller the campus, the safer it tends to be.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

New Attractions to the 2024 Oklahoma State Fair

After years of public perception of the OK State Fair only being a place to eat food and play carnival games, they're stepping up their game with some shockingly awesome new attractions this year.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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