If you've never used the meme, you've surely been in at least one online conversation where someone has dropped an image of Homer Simpson slowly backing into a hedge.

Now, the popular clip is reportedly being turned into a Chia Pet.

What Is A Chia Pet?

There was a time in the 1980s when the Chia Pet commercial jingle was seared into everyone's brains.


The jingle set off a craze of people clamoring for a terra cotta planter ram that you covered with seeds that would sprout into something that looked like hair or wool.

The Chia Pet would eventually evolve to be offered in version that resembled other animals and eventually, people. Even in 2024, you can still buy a Chia Pet that resembles late painter Bob Ross or a character from The Golden Girls. 

Golden Girls Sophia Chia Pet
Chia Pet photo

At the height of The Simpsons' popularity, a Chia Pet was released that allowed you to grow hair on Homer Simpson's famous nearly-bald head. Now, it appears the brand is ready to head back to Springfield for another collab.

How To Get A Homer Hedge Chia Pet

One of the most common memes or GIFs used in recent years has been a clip of Homer Simpson slowly backing into tall bushes after an awkward conversation with neighbor Ned Flanders.


According to KnowYourMeme.com, the clip is from a 1994 episode of The Simpsons titled "Homer Loves Flanders." Homer appears out of the bushes wanting to hangout with Ned Flanders only to learn his neighbor has other plans without him. Homer slowly fades back into the bushes.

The clip was first uploaded as a GIF in 2010 and has become short of a cultural phenomenon for this looking to express their own awkwardness in conversations. The real-life popularity of the meme was even parodied in a 2019 episode of the animated show.

The Simpsons Man, an internet personality who creates content about Simpsons-related toys and games, revealed this week there is a new Chia Pet that is about to drop based on the famous scene.

A video shared on YouTube shows a terra cotta Homer standing against what looks like a wall. The wall area can be covered with seeds that will grow too make it look like Homer is walking out of the hedge.

So far, there has been no announcement of the new Homer release on the official Chia Pet website. There is, however, a listing that has already popped on the website for a Canada-based toy retailer saying the item will debut this year.

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Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman


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