This kid's reaction to milking a cow is hilarious. He was a part of a field trip to a farm and got to experience what it's like to work on a farm and care for all the animals.
This is always a busy time of the year at our house. We are weaning the fall born calves from their mommas and the spring babies are being born. I hate weaning and I love calving!
Calving season is about half way over at The Mace Place. I love calving season. I can't decide if I like the spring calving season or the fall calving season.
I don't know what hit me this week but it hit me like a ton of bricks! I've heard there is something going around. We were coming home from Dallas on Sunday when I felt that tickle in my throat and the scratchiness in my ears. Oh I hate getting sick.
OK, you know if there is any type of animal in a video I'm going to share it with you! Here is a group of Jazz musicians playing to a different type of audience. Take note that not one in the audience left during the performance!
Also, read some of the comments on the video...