
Is Driving Barefoot in Oklahoma Illegal?
Is Driving Barefoot in Oklahoma Illegal?
Is Driving Barefoot in Oklahoma Illegal?
Can you be ticked or given a traffic citation for driving barefoot in Oklahoma? Somehow this topic came up at the water cooler and the answer to that question may surprise you.
Are Oklahoma Walmarts Issuing Citations for “Self Checkout” Mistakes & Shoplifting?
Are Oklahoma Walmarts Issuing Citations for “Self Checkout” Mistakes & Shoplifting?
Are Oklahoma Walmarts Issuing Citations for “Self Checkout” Mistakes & Shoplifting?
Recently Walmart started issuing citations and involving authorities when customers make mistakes or attempt to shoplift items while using their self-checkout lines. The crackdown is due to all the unpaid merchandise that is leaving the store by customers using self-checkout and not paying for their purchase.
Lawton Municipal Court Will Be Closed Mid Next Week
Lawton Municipal Court Will Be Closed Mid Next Week
Lawton Municipal Court Will Be Closed Mid Next Week
The Lawton Municipal Court located at 102 S.W. 5th Street will be closed the middle of next week from Thursday, April 28th (04-28-21) through Friday, April 30th (04-30-21). They'll close down temporarily so they can move to the new Lawton Public Safety Center.