
VFDs and LPD Ask Lawton Citizens to Stop Chasing Wildfires!
VFDs and LPD Ask Lawton Citizens to Stop Chasing Wildfires!
VFDs and LPD Ask Lawton Citizens to Stop Chasing Wildfires!
Firefighters and police have asked that you not go looking for wildfires when they happen. You could be getting in the way of first responders and emergency vehicles. I guess it's human nature to want to see what's going on, but with so many people doing that it can become dangerous really quick.
Fort Sill Planning Prescribed Burn
Fort Sill Planning Prescribed Burn
Fort Sill Planning Prescribed Burn
Fort Sill is planning a prescribed or controlled burn for tomorrow morning (01-05-21) starting around 9:00am CST. So if you're out and about tomorrow and see smoke rising from Fort Sill know that it's under control and is being done deliberately to help prevent the possibility of future wildfires.

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