In honor of National #HugAGIDay (3/4/19), I want to recognize and give huge hugs to all the service men and women (past, present & future) who go above and beyond the call of duty to protect our freedoms.
As the Fourth of July draws closer, the excitement builds for the Summer Concert on Ft Sill brought to you by the Ft Sill MWR is building with leaps and bounds.
With the biggest threats our country is currently facing coming from cyberspace, it is key that the training of today's military focus on attacks that it could be facing from the electronic battlefield.
The first Armistice Day, as it was then called, was held in 1919 to celebrate the first anniversary of the signing of the Treaty that brought Germany's surrender in World War I.
The U.S. Army announced earlier today that it has determined that suicide was the cause of death of Major General John Rossi, the former commander at Ft. Sill.
For the fourth consecutive, The Oklahoma Military Connection, in conjunction with Ft. Sill, will be hosting a job fair for veterans, transitioning military members, Guard, Reserves and family members.
Former U.S. Army Fires Centers of Excellence and Ft. Sill Commanding General John Rossi, who just left his post at Ft. Sill on July 21st, died yesterday.
Fort Sill Police are asking for your help in identifying two individuals, who it is believed used stolen credit cards to purchase over $6,000 worth of goods on base during a 7-minute period on Saturday.