
Is Mud Rain a Real Thing? It is in Lawton, Oklahoma!
Is Mud Rain a Real Thing? It is in Lawton, Oklahoma!
Is Mud Rain a Real Thing? It is in Lawton, Oklahoma!
Lawton, Fort Sill woke this morning after the thunderstorms yesterday evening to splotches of mud rain covering just about everything, from houses to cars. It was everywhere. If like me you hit the windshield wipers and all you got was mud streaks you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Lawton Named Best College Town in Oklahoma!
Lawton Named Best College Town in Oklahoma!
Lawton Named Best College Town in Oklahoma!
When you think of college towns in Oklahoma more often than not you think of Norman and Stillwater, home to O.U. and O.S.U. However, it might surprise you that Lawton, home to Cameron Univesity, has been named the #1 college town in Oklahoma.
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
The Best Lawton, Ft. Sill Facebook Pages and Groups You Should Join, Follow & Be a Part of
If you've just moved to Lawton, Fort Sill or if you've been here a while, maybe your entire life, and aren't aware of these Facebook groups and pages you should definitely check them out. All of them are focused on Lawton, Fort Sill and have great information, news, entertainment, and are worthy of hitting join, follow, and like.
The Funny, Unusual and Crazy Street Names of Oklahoma
The Funny, Unusual and Crazy Street Names of Oklahoma
The Funny, Unusual and Crazy Street Names of Oklahoma
The Sooner State has an abundance of really funny, unusual, and downright crazy street names. Every town and city in Oklahoma has at least a few unforgettable street names that non Okies and even Okies alike find hilarious! Here's a rundown of some of the state's best and funniest street names.
Mother Nature got Moody Yesterday in Comanche County
Mother Nature got Moody Yesterday in Comanche County
Mother Nature got Moody Yesterday in Comanche County
It was a crazy and unexpected storm yesterday evening in Comanche County. Mother Nature became moody and let loose with rain, high winds, tons of lighting and thunder, and even some hail. It's late in the season for this type of storm, but it's Oklahoma so anything can happen at any time weatherwise.

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