We’ve likely not finished the fallout of Sunday’s big Oscar snafu, though few would place any blame at the feet of host Jimmy Kimmel, who wandered out to bring some humor to the La La Land error. In all the chaos, however, Kimmel’s final bit with Matt Damon ended up lost to time, as the host now explains how the show was meant to end.
For the second year in a row, Jennifer Lawrence tops the list of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, while the impressively prolific Dwayne Johnson has unseated Robert Downey Jr. as the highest-paid actor. Unfortunately, the highest-paid actors still earn millions more than their female counterparts, proving that Hollywood’s gender disparity problem still needs some fixing.
Flashback to four or five years ago and it seemed like the idea of another Matt Damon-led Jason Bourne movie was a bit of a pipe dream. How things change. Not only did Jason Bourne open in theaters this weekend, but according to Entertainment Weekly (via Heroic Hollywood), Damon would be open to coming back for even more Jason Bourne sequels.
Matt Damon has done a lot of things: He’s played a super spy, a con-man, an informant, an astronaut, a genius, and all sorts of fun characters who could also be action figures. The one thing he hasn’t done yet is play a superhero, and according to the star of Jason Bourne, that’s something he’d be willing to do for the right director — like maybe his BFF Ben Affleck.
Here at ScreenCrush, we’ve made no secret of the fact that we think 2016 has been a disappointing year for summer movies. With everything from The BFG to Warcraft: The Beginning struggling in theaters, the evidence is stacking up that 2016 might be the worse year for summer movies, ever. Still, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon: both Star Trek Beyond and Jason Bourne come out this month, and those two franchises have historically managed to balance smarts and action in equal amounts.
“The call is for you.” A stranger drops a phone in your lap. It starts ringing. You answer to a man’s voice but he calls you Steven. He sounds desperate. “I’m gonna ask you something and I need the answer to be yes.” You’re not Steven. What do you do?
After an unfortunate break (yes, we’re looking at you The Bourne Legacy), Matt Damon is back as Jason Bourne in the coincidentally titled Jason Bourne. Today, the first full Jason Bourne trailer has arrived, and it promises a welcome return for our favorite CIA assassin with amnesia.
When a collaboration between creative types in Hollywood bears fruit, the studios often attempt to keep it together for as long as possible in order to extract all possible profit. Aaron Stockard and Ben Affleck first found success as the co-writers of Gone Baby Gone, a moody-broody, Affleck-directed neo-noir that cleared a trail through the untamed wilds of Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood. (Pron
Part of the fun comic book fans have had over the years is debating which superhero could defeat which superhero. Could Wolverine beat The Hulk? Could the X-Men beat The Avengers? There have been entire lines of books devoted to this very topic. Heck, Batman vs. Superman and Captain America: Civil War are both based on this very conceit. So, you can’t blame Matt Damon for getting into the fun when asked if his Jason Bourne, who he calls “my superhero”, could take his pal Ben Affleck’s Batman. As you might expect, Damon’s not stepping down from the challenge.
A crew of insanely smart scientists travel to a barren alien landscape. After an interstellar storm, one of the crew is left behind and presumed dead. He is, however, very much alive, and slowly begins plotting his return. No, it’s not the story of Doctor Doom in the new Fantastic Four reboot...OK, it is, but it’s also the plot for the upcoming Ridley Scott sci-fi drama The Martian, and today we’ve got a brand new trailer for you.