Sorry to those in Oklahoma who are hoping for spring to come early! Winter is coming back to Oklahoma next week in full force with dangerously cold temperatures, snow and possible wintry mix.
Most of Oklahoma received a bout of snow, freezing rain and ice Tuesday evening and into Wednesday morning. And it looks like more snow is in the extended forecast for Oklahoma.
Oklahoma is one of the 14 states within Southwest Power Pool, and most of the states within the power grid are set to be impacted by winter weather this week. Southwest Power Pool has issued a weather advisory for its constituents to raise awareness of the potential impacts to the power supply.
As we get closer to next week, more information keeps coming out about Oklahoma's next bout with winter weather. It's now looking like Oklahoma will get two winter weather events next week that will bring through snow, ice and cold rain.
Chances for cold temperatures and snow are increasing for Oklahoma next week, and some meteorologists are now saying the state may receive its second heaviest snow of winter.
Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook between February and April of this year show that a large portion of Oklahoma has a above normal fire potential.