The sunset was amazing again last night. I rushed into the house to grab my camera, turning it on as I was running back out the door; checking all the settings because I am forcing myself to shoot in manual mode.
On Saturday, David and I had to get some cement for our fence project. He came in and asked if I wanted to go into town with him and he would buy me a burger at Sonic. Well, of course I jumped at the chance to ride "shotgun" with him. I love to ride shotgun while we drive the back roads into town.
I wasn't born to be a ranchers wife...I LOVE being a ranchers wife but I wasn't BORN to be one! I was born to be a rich man's wife. That is not the same me!
Last night David spent most of the evening in the barn working on his swather. One thing I can tell you, we don't have new equipment on our place. It's old equipment that has been salvaged from his Grandmother's pasture, long ago parked in that spot waiting to rust away to nothing.
Spring calving season is almost finished. The pasture is full of babies. Just a few more cows left to calve and then we can get ready for weening the fall babies. Ahh, that lovely sound of calves bawling for their mommas and the mommas bawling for their babies.
Not so long ago a rancher would saddle up his horse and ride out to either move cattle from one pasture to another or to bring them up to graze on winter wheat. Where I grew up, in northern South Dakota, they would ride out and bring the cattle up close to the barn for winter.
I shared a photo last night on Facebook that was all in fun. It was pretty cool looking, but a fake. Of course it's obvious but as a one time paint owner I can tell you what to look for to notice it was a fake. Here is the photo:
As you can see, someone has painstakingly made it appear that the spots on the horse spell "horse"...
When we woke up on Sunday morning I was surprised to see all the "white" on the ground and covering our vehicles in the drive. I know the weather man "predicted" wintry precipitation but who listens to them except those that clear the shelves at Walmart the night before a predicted storm.
My husband David knows I can't grow plants. I bring plants home and they scream when I walk in the door with them. I think it's like Little Shop of Horrors for them. It's sad but it's true. I have a brown thumb but I LOVE flowers. I try to find the variety that loves to be neglected like vinca, passion vine and morning glories. Anyone can grow those, right?
Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty hectic around the studios. We all wanted to do what we could to assist with the relief efforts for the victims of the Shawnee/Carney and Moore tornadoes.