‘Duck Dynasty': Korie Robertson Gushes Over Her New Grandbaby [Pictures]‘Duck Dynasty': Korie Robertson Gushes Over Her New Grandbaby [Pictures]Ducky Dynasty’s Korie and Willie Robertson welcomed their 8th grandchild last week (Oct. 30), and they couldn't be more in love. Adison HaagerAdison Haager
The 'Duck Dynasty' Family is Expecting!The 'Duck Dynasty' Family is Expecting!Duck Dynasty's Rebecca Robertson and husband John Reed Loflin reveal their excitement for baby number three, with heartwarming photos shared on social media.Adison HaagerAdison Haager
‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Korie Robertson Once Missed Two Green Lights While Playing Fart Noises‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Korie Robertson Once Missed Two Green Lights While Playing Fart NoisesAlso read what the Robertsons said about the day someone shot at their home. Rob CarrollRob Carroll