"Shotgun Rider" is a song recorded by Tim McGraw. It was released on September 8, 2014 as the third single from his second studio album for Big Machine Records, Sundown Heaven Town. The song was written by Marv Green, Hillary Lindsey and Troy Verges. Tim previously recorded a different song of the same name on his 2007 album for Curb Records "Let It Go".

Billy Dukes of Taste of Country gave "Shotgun Rider" a favorable review, writing that "the song is an example of how the singer, producer and songwriter all need to come together to create beautiful music." Chuck Dauphin of Billboard called it "the perfect mix of old-school McGraw with some stirring steel guitar work and a few new sounds with some nifty guitar riffs." Kurt Wolff of radio.com called it "a midtempo song with a cool, confident melody that feels tailor-made for a road-trip mixtape."

I don't know about all of that. I just know I like it. If you would like to download the song to your device, here are the links:

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