Hal Jordan, or at least the strange version of him that exists in Frank Miller's Dark Knight Universe, gets the spotlight in Dark Knight Universe Presents: Green Lantern #1, a 12-page mini-comic that will be included with Dark Knight III: The Master Race Book 3. Miller is collaborating with Brian Azzarello on the writing, and with John Romita Jr. on art.

The story finds Hal Jordan living a happy naked green alien life on a dinosaur farm with his naked green alien family. Because this is the kind of thing you can pitch and DC will go for it when your name's Frank Miller. But don't worry, if you've ever wanted to see Hal Jordan's green alien penis, this is the comic for you. Later, Hal reassumes his human form and returns to Earth, where he meets three women in robes and head scarves who want to discuss religion. There's certainly no way this can go badly.




Here's the official copy from DC:

With the next chapter of DARK KNIGHT III: THE MASTER RACE, readers will learn more about the plans of the newly-freed Kandorians in the main story, but this 12-page supplemental tale sees an alien-looking (for details, check out Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Strikes Again) Hal Jordan’s otherwise idyllic life interrupted by a distress call from Earth. On his arrival, Hal is greeted by three strangers, looking for a God to worship…

This third mini-comic is co-written by Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello, with art breakdowns by John Romita Jr. and finishes by Frank Miller. In addition to the Book 3 periodical version (scheduled for late February), the Collector’s Edition hardcover publishes both the main story and the mini-comic in a same-size “prestige” format approximately 2 weeks after the periodical hits retailer shelves.


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