
Can Dogs Be Fashion Models?
Can Dogs Be Fashion Models?
Can Dogs Be Fashion Models?
We all have seen fashion models from all over the world. We are all very aware of the different types of clothing they all present. Many are to entice us to purchase the latest fashion to wear to any and all occasions. But what if the model was a dog...
Vogue Model’s Shocking 13-Inch Waist Causes Stir [PICTURE]
Vogue Model’s Shocking 13-Inch Waist Causes Stir [PICTURE]
Vogue Model’s Shocking 13-Inch Waist Causes Stir [PICTURE]
There’s been a lot of controversy lately over models whose photos are airbrushed to make them appear ridiculously thin, but Vogue Italia can at least say the cover of its September issue didn’t involve any digital tricks. That’s Stella Tennant, an actual real-live model. In a corset. That gives her a 13-inch waist.