The calendar year since Halloween 2015 has been pretty epic. With excellent movies, relevant characters, and cheap Chinese knock-offs, 2016's batch should be full of show-stoppers.

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    When Star Wars: The Force Awakens opened last December, every fan connected on some level with Disney's new leading man, Finn. He was born a clone, but developed a conscience following the death of his best bro. Hopefully you're up to speed with the movie.

    The best news is, it's cheap and available pronto over at Amazon.
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    The Ken Bone

    Almost immediately after the second POTUS debate, Ken Bone made the rounds as the webs newest meme. TV shows picked up the stories, news agencies featured him in segments, the world was lit for 'the nicest guy at any debate ever,' Ken Bone.

    Skip a full fifteen minutes into his viral fame, and yeah, he came crashing down as nothing on the internet is hidden anymore... But even as his fans distance themselves, the sweater lives on. Add in some specs and a mustache, and boom. Instant Ken Bones. Available at Amazon.
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    First Order Stormtrooper

    Since it's pretty inevitable that you're going to see a lot of Star Wars out there, no character will be as instantly recognizable as the First Order Stormtrooper.

    Yes, we can get a little nerdy and declare the obvious differences this outfit has with previous generations... but muggles won't realize it if you're rocking an older version. This one also available on Amazon.
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    The Joker

    While Suicide Squad may have pulled some major shenanigans in their lack of mass-advertised 'Cocaine Chic' Joker, it will no doubt be one of the most popular costumes in 2016, proving that everyone loves a good villain.

    This get-up is available now at Amazon.
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    Donald Trump

    With the quickest search, it's easy to see there will be hoards of wild Trumps roaming the streets and back-alley bars across the nation.

    With a lengthy list of memorable moments, die-hard fans, absconded haters, and Trump being the most popular five letter phrase on the web in 2016, it's a no brainer... Just don't go grabbing anybody by the genitalia. It's not nice, nor is it sanitary. Masks, wigs, suits, and the famous red hats are available on Amazon.

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