The nominations that you sent in were all so wonderful, making the narrowing down to 5 incredibly hard.  In fact, where Critter and I can normally do it ourselves, we enlisted the help of nearly our entire staff.  We feel confident that you will agree these are some really deserving candidates for these great prizes:

  • A Floral Bouquet from Flowers by Ramons
  • $50 Gift Certificate from Pizza Corral
  • A beautiful gift basket from Woven by Grace
  • $40 Gift Card from the Pink Elephant
  • Gift Basket including candle and coco bombs from Curious Goods
  • $50 Gift Certificate from 1010 Mercantile
  • Dinner for two at the Murder Mystery dinner theatre at Trail of Fear from Lawton Improv
  • 2 Tickets to the Valentine Themed Attraction at Trail of Fear

All of this delivered by your Morning Crew, Jeri and Critter.

Read all of the Nominations, then vote for your favorite.  You can vote for more than one every three hours.


  • 1

    Unselfish Mom

    My Valentine nomination is my mom. She is the least selfish person I know and she is always going out of her way to make sure we are taken care of. She was widowed at the age of 25 with three children under the age of 10. She has overcome so much adversity and put her self through school and received a nursing degree. She is now currently battling cancer for the 2nd time and she is truly a warrior. I feel that she deserves something for herself for a change since she has always made her life about taking care of her children and grandchildren first.
  • 2

    Super Step Dad

    I would like to nominate my husband because he is one of the most sweet selfless people I know. We met 14 years ago off of my space and this man took on two children that were not his own and have never treated them as anything less than his own. We were very young and while we started out he would often give up things including his own birthday money to make sure that my kids had the best things and the best opportunities. We now have two additional children together and over the 14 years he never changed in giving up thanks for his kids or for me. He served in the military and was medically retired in 2015 and wanted to go straight to work in fear that we would not have the life that he wanted for us but I pushed him to go to school and he finished his degree up this last year and started teaching this year during one of the most uncertain times to teach. Every holiday that pa sses by we always make sure to go all out in whatever he gives me even if I tell him I don’t want much. I feel like he is the hardest person to shop for because he doesn’t want much LOL so nominating him for this isn’t so much about the prizes but just so he knows just how special he is to me! Through the good times and the bad everything he has given up, endured, and worked hard for means a lot to me and our children and I will forever be grateful!
  • 3

    Thoughtful Mom

    I would like to nominate my mom because she is so thoughtful and does so much for everyone but herself. I think my mom deserves this so much, and I think that this will make her day so much better. There are so many reasons why my mom deserves this that I can’t even explain them all. My mom has been through so much pressure trying to take care of me and my brother these last few weeks and it makes me hurt to know how stressed she is. I would love to make her smile, and let her have a good day without so much stress. She is such a good person and I just want her to be happy even if it’s just for one day.

  • 4

    First Responder

    My wife, Cassidy, is a full time EMT/first responder, she’s a full time Paramedic student, and she is a full time and loving mother and wife. We went on vacation to Arkansas a few months ago, and while we were on our way back traveling down a very busy highway, there was a truck stopped in the middle lane. We turned around as quickly as possible, and we pulled over. About that time, the truck got hit by oncoming traffic, and my wife took off running to help this person in the middle of the highway until the responding ambulance and helicopter got there. She has devoted her life to helping people, and she deserves all the recognition possible!

  • 5

    Sister, My Sister

    My SISTER, she is one of a kind. My sister is one of the most generous, giving and loving people you will ever meet. I am beyond blessed to have her as a sister and there is never a dull moment when anyone is with her. My sister has 3 beautiful kids and an amazing husband. They are one of a kind and she has raised them to be just that. My sister would give a stranger the shirt off her back, the last dollar in her pocket and anything she could do to make someone feel special or appreciated. She loves to make people laugh and does it so naturally. To put a smile on someone's face is her number one goal in life! She sends flowers to people she doesn't even know that have done something nice or for someone she loves. SHe pays for random peoples food just because it makes her feel good. She does everything with the kindness of her heart and loves and makes friends with everyone she meets. If you know my sister Kristine you know how good of a person she is and her heart. Although I have a husband who is my Valentine my sister is a lot of peoples Valentines and she definitely deserves to enjoy herself and put herself first for once!

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