One week ago, I had to update my Apple Series 3 Watch.  It was doing weird things, and I was told that that was the way to fix it.

This week, I have a non-operational Apple Watch.  As you can see from the picture, the Apple Logo stays on the screen all of the time.  This isn't my first watch, so I tried the little hacks that I have used before, when none of those worked, I did what anyone would do, I turned to Facebook!

Jeri Anderson
Jeri Anderson

Here are the hacks suggested for me to try:




  • 1

    Hard Restart Your Watch

    This recommendation came from several sources. I tried it multiple times, however, even though, it did actually shut down my watch, when it came back up, you guessed it. The Logo was still there.

  • 2

    Try to Reset while on Charger

    Basically, the exact same system, only this time your try while your watch is on the charger.  No go.


    Try Changing the Charger

    I have three apple chargers at my house and one at work.  I thought, OK, MAYBE, none of my chargers are actually working, all at the same time.  I thought it was a long shot, and it was.  Still nothing.

  • Jeri Anderson
    Jeri Anderson

    Try to DeActiviate Power Reserve Mode

    Another friend sent me this link, on lots of hacks for Apple Watches.  I have to admit, I didn't even know that there was a Power Reserve Mode.  That does explain how even though, I haven't been able to turn it off or on all week, at some point, it will still show the correct time!



    Buy a New Watch

    When I first began having trouble with my watch, my very first thought was to buy a watch exactly like the one that I have.  I know it.  It's familiar.  But, as I have been reading in other forums, it seems that older Apple Watches may not take the current updates, and freeze up just as mine did.  So if I'm going to dream, I will dream big and take a look at the newest watch available.  The Apple Watch Series 7.  I'm still hoping for a miracle, or that someone, somewhere can find a fix for my watch.  Or, I will break down and take another suggestion and take it to an Apple store to have it diagnosed to find out if replacement is the only option!

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