
Annoying The Boss
Annoying The Boss
Annoying The Boss
Sure, we all get annoyed at the boss from time to time, but keep in mind that that frustration can go both ways. If you want to excel at work, get promotions, get raises, have good things happen to you and such, take a look at these five things that really annoy bosses and don’t do them:
Increase Your Income
Increase Your Income
Increase Your Income
We’ve been going through a pretty rough economy these last few years, but you’ve been working hard, so why not ask for that raise? It may or may not work, but if you do decide to ask (and you should), you should be prepared to ask for it in the right way.
Switching Jobs?
Switching Jobs?
Switching Jobs?
The job market is pretty tight right now, so most days you’re probably thankful just to have a job that pays. But somewhere down the road that may not be enough. You may find yourself looking for a new position, even as you continue to hold down your current one. There are certain things you should keep in mind when that time comes.
Social Media And Careers
Social Media And Careers
Social Media And Careers
While the social media landscape often changes quickly, it’s pretty clear that networking on those sites is going to be a big part of our lives for a long time—both personally and professionally.
Working Too Much?
Working Too Much?
Working Too Much?
Did the janitor give you his keys so you can lock up after he goes home? Do you dream in spread sheets? Have you missed your kid scoring the game-winning goal because you were checking email on your phone? Then, congratulations -- you may be a workaholic.
March Madness-Good for Work?
March Madness-Good for Work?
March Madness-Good for Work?
Afraid your boss is going to catch you checking out NCAA Tournament scores while you’re supposed to be working? Well, like a bubble team who gets an invite to the Big Dance, you can breathe a huge sigh of relief.
Job Interview Do's & Dont's
Job Interview Do's & Dont's
Job Interview Do's & Dont's
If you’re great at networking, filling out online applications and following up, chances are, you’ve landed an interview or two. Good work. That’s not so easy these days. But your work isn’t over. In fact, your work is just beginning. The interview is where your true job-getting skills will have to come out. In fact, compared to everything you did to get it, the interview is like doing open-heart
Looking For Work?
Looking For Work?
Looking For Work?
As soon as you knew you wanted (or needed) a new job, you got on Facebook and let all your friends and connections there know what you could do and that you were available, right? You probably also went straight to LinkedIn and quickly made a profile there so people could find the awesomely productive employee that is you. But the phone didn’t start ringing. That’s not because networking online fo

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