Chris Young Tips a Hat to Daryle Singletary With ‘I Let Her Lie’
The shocking and unexpected death of country singer Daryle Singletary on Monday (Feb. 12) stunned the country music community, with many artists paying tribute to the singer in various touching ways.
Chris Young was among these, including a hat tip to to Singletary during his San Antonio, Texas, show that very night. He performed a bit of Singletary's 1995 hit "I Let Her Lie," a critically acclaimed single detailing a man grappling with his lover's infidelity. It hit No. 2 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart the year of its release, and was the second single to be released off the singer's self-titled album.
Young made it through a couple of the song's verses while the crowd cheered along, before conceding, "I miss you, Daryle."
Singletary was known for his big, traditional country voice—something Young shares with him—which he put to full effect on emotionally charged songs like "I Let Her Lie." His commercial success came during the mid-to-late-'90s, but he continued to record original music and albums of cover songs that featured stars like Merle Haggard, Buck Owens, Paycheck, Dwight Yoakam and more. He died at the age of 46, leaving behind a wife and four children under the age of eight.
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