"We're thinking about Robin tonight."

During the taping of last night's 'Conan,' the heartbreaking news of Robin Williams' passing was announced. Instead of ignoring the news or saving it for tomorrow or not acknowledging it, host Conan O'Brien took it upon himself to share it with a shocked studio audience, sidekick Andy Richter, and guest Will Arnett. Still stunned and reeling from the news, the trio -- all of whom had worked with Williams in the past -- shared their thoughts on the actor and comedian. Unsurprisingly, they only had glowing things to say.

Reacting to news like Williams' death is often difficult and private and very upsetting -- and all that shines through in this touching clip -- but what is most striking about O'Brien and company's take on the news is the honest outpouring of love and grief they all exhibit. It's quite sad, but it's also a little lovely.

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