Dear Momma…I HATE Alzheimer’s Disease! [VIDEO]
Dear Momma,
I realized today that when I laugh really hard, I always end with ‘Oh, goodness’. The amazing thing about that is that you always did it too. It made me happy that I do things the way you did.
I wanted to write you this letter to let you know that I love you so very much, and that I miss you. I feel guilty for saying ‘ I miss my Mom’, because you are clearly still here, and for that I am so grateful. But what I miss so much is my Mom/friend. The one who would turn every shade of red when one of us said anything the least bit irreverent. It was a challenge for us, you know. Which one of us could embarrass you the most!
I miss going shopping with you. You never wanted anything, but you didn’t mind just looking. I miss the daily telephone calls about absolutely nothing. I miss Sunday dinners. And your spaghetti. And sitting with you in church on our pew…2nd from the front. I don’t sit there anymore; it just doesn’t feel the same without you.
I wish you could know McKayla and Lucas, (I want them to remember you too) and the brand new Baby Heinz on the way. I want you to know that Tyler is so happy with Tracee and that they are ready to start a family too. I tell you these things, but I know that you don’t remember.
You wouldn’t like it but I have to say that I HATE Alzheimer’s disease. It has robbed you from us long before your body was ready to give out. I hate that we are thrilled with tiny victories, like days that you have your eyes open, or that you respond when we say ‘Hi Momma’. I hate that you can’t stand or walk or eat by yourself. I hate that you don’t know me or David, or Larry, or Linda, or Denise. I don’t think you ever hated anything in your life. You inspire me to be better than I am. To be the Mom that you were to us; putting us first, and so giving and loving.
I hope that I have inherited these qualities. I hope you know that when I say ‘I love you’ everyday, that I really mean it. And I hope that you know that I will keep my promise to ‘remember for you’.
Happy Mother’s Day, Momma. I want to be the Mom that you are. Fingers crossed that I will get there someday! ‘Oh Goodness!’
Love you with all my heart,
This is my beautiful Momma. I love her so much and I am so grateful for the caregivers at Ten Oaks Retirement Center Memory Care Center that keep her safe and taken care of. I will remember everything for you Momma.
Readers: Do not cry for me. Cry for the thousands that are affected by this terrible disease! Help if you can by visiting
Glen Campbell has brought Alzheimer's Disease into the spot light as he documented his decline, and this song says it all to family members of those with Alzheimer's!