Ft. Sill Welcomes Home Deployed Battalion
Approximately 480 soldiers from Ft. Sill's 4th Battalion, 3rd Air Defense Artillery (ADA) unit returned home to hero's welcome Tuesday night, after a year long deployment in the middle east. Originally scheduled to arrive earlier in the evening, the troops finally made it home around 9pm, safely making it home to the cheering family and friends waiting for them at the Rinehart Fitness Center.
For many of those in the Battalion it was their first deployment, providing support to the Central Area of Command in Kuwait, a daunting task that made it necessary for the battalion to work in shifts while stationed in Kuwait.
The soldiers and their families say the feeling to be back home is somewhat indescribable. One of the returning soldiers made it home just in time to welcome his first child, a daughter is due to be born on Sunday, while another is got to hold his baby girl for the first time at the homecoming.
The Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 751 was also on hand to welcome our heroes home, thanking the soldiers for their sacrifices and for accomplishing the mission in a very tough, demanding environment. It was 120 degrees in Kuwait on Tuesday, he noted. Representatives of the VVA expressed thanks to the family members as well, for sacrificing in silence as their loved ones were deployed.
We thank the members of the 4th Battalion, 3rd ADA home and thank them for their service to their country.