Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra to present Radio and TV Events
As with many in person gatherings across out city, the Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra has had to find new ways to perform for their audiences. Thankfully, area television and broadcast stations have stepped up to make it performances happen.
The Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra will present two events this February for patrons to enjoy.
LPO patrons can tune in to KUCO-FM Performance Oklahoma from 8-10 p.m. Feb. 3 and 8-10 a.m. Feb. 6 to hear the Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra with artistic director, conductor and pianist Jon Kalbfleisch and guest violinist David Kim in works by Bach/Gounod, Kreisler, Vivaldi and Schubert, the debut program on Performance Oklahoma will also feature commentary by both Maestro Kalbfleisch and Kim. Listeners can tune in on all KUCO-FM stations or stream online at kucofm.com.
“We’re fortunate that KUCO-FM has chosen to feature us on its award-winning program Performance Oklahoma,” Kalbfleisch said. “We are thankful that we keep finding ways to continue providing great music any way we can during this time.”
LPO’s “Musical Valentine” will air locally on MeTV from 9-10 p.m. Feb. 20 and from 10:35-11:35 p.m. Feb. 21 on KSWO-TV. Streaming of the performance will be available on the orchestra’s website, lawtonphil.com, at 10 p.m. Feb. 20. “Musical Valentine” will feature music from Mozart, Poulenc and Wagner.
“For this program, we will feature the principal players of the orchestra,” Kalbfleisch said, “and we’re all very much looking forward to playing music together again, safely. This lovely, hour-long program will have some familiar music, some new and some warmly beautiful.”
For more information or to make a donation, please contact the Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra at 580-531-5043 or visit the orchestra’s website at lawtonphil.com.
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