Man’s Obit Wins Raves for Acknowledging Gay Son
The obituary for a man in Singapore has caught attention for a small, but important, detail.
The obituary for Ong Peck Lye, who passed away last week at the age of 82, includes a reference to his son's partner.
Ong left behind a wife and three children, the youngest of whom is gay. The obituary was written by Ong's middle son.
The obituary ran in the Straits Times and gained traction after someone posted it on Facebook.
Toward the end of a list of the family who survived him, there is mention of the relationship. It reads:
My Baby Son: Ong Tiong Hou
Son-In-Law: Gerald Kavalieratos
The son who penned the obituary, which is honest for its depiction of a man who had a less than idyllic family life, said, "My father died before he had the chance to ask my brothers to forgive him."
The obituary is a nice moment for the gay and lesbian community, which continues to reel after this weekend's devastating mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando.