Oklahoma’s Largest Barn Quilt Planned for Frederick, Oklahoma
A lot of communities around Oklahoma have murals popping up everywhere, but one Oklahoma town is working on Oklahoma's Largest Barn Quilt! Now I know what you're thinking, how does a large quilt compare to a mural? Well, a barn quilt specifically is like a mural - it's a square painting done in the style/pattern of a quilt.
Locals in Frederick, Oklahoma, have been painting barn quilts for several years now. So much so that there is a Tillman County Heritage Barn Quilt Trail. In 2021, Discover Oklahoma talked to the community members about the barn quilt trail and what it means for the community. On the trail you'll find barn quilts on buildings, fences and homes that are all kinds of sizes, designs and colors.
You can even take classes on how to paint a barn quilt of your very own!
I've always wanted to take a barn quilt painting class when I heard about the Tillman County Barn Quilt Trail. I love all the patterns and colors! They remind me of the quilts I would find in my mom's house and the homes of my grandparents. Barn quilts are so sentimental to most Oklahomans!
The Frederick community recently started putting together plans for Oklahoma's Largest Barn Quilt.
While on Facebook, I stumbled across a new page for Oklahoma's Largest Barn Quilt, and I was curious to see if it had anything to do with the Tillman County Barn Quilt Trail, and it does! The same community members who started the trail project are now working towards Oklahoma's Largest Barn Quilt. How exciting!
It looks like they have a space ready in downtown Frederick on the side of a local business facing one of the town's main roads. And it looks like they need help! If you're interested in being part of their project, they're asking for Oklahomans to donate their time by painting a barn quilt or by donating material. This is great way to help beautify a community in Oklahoma! More information is available in the post below.