Cell Phones

Better Than Rice:  How To Save Your Wet Phone
Better Than Rice: How To Save Your Wet Phone
Better Than Rice: How To Save Your Wet Phone
We've seen just about everything from blow dryers to bags of white rice to help dry out a phone that has been dropped into water (toilets seem to attract phones like honey attracts Winnie the Pooh). I think I have finally found a SENSIBLE and SCIENTIFIC way to keep your phone from frying if you accidentally drop it in water (unless you have that one phone on TV that you can put in water).  It all
Two Top Secret Surveillance Programs Leaked – Is Big Brother Watching?
Two Top Secret Surveillance Programs Leaked – Is Big Brother Watching?
Two Top Secret Surveillance Programs Leaked – Is Big Brother Watching?
The Obama administration is defending reports of a secret federal court order that granted the National Security Agency a warrant to compile information about every phone call conducted on Verizon's network. A White House spokesperson called the program a "critical tool" for protecting the country...
Things You Can Do Now To Help You Locate Your Lost Phone Later
Things You Can Do Now To Help You Locate Your Lost Phone Later
Things You Can Do Now To Help You Locate Your Lost Phone Later
A friend of mine told me that his cell phone had been stolen over the weekend.  He had left it in his car and someone "helped themselves" to the content of his car.  That made me wonder what would I do if I lost my phone or my tablet?  All my contact information, photos, videos, etc. are on my tablet!  I am forever looking for my phone in my purse or in my car.  I found this information
Sorry Drivers, Hands-Free Devices Aren’t Safer Options to Cell Phones
Sorry Drivers, Hands-Free Devices Aren’t Safer Options to Cell Phones
Sorry Drivers, Hands-Free Devices Aren’t Safer Options to Cell Phones
In response to the National Transportation Safety Board-proposed ban on cellphones while driving, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers tried to defend hands-free devices. They’re “designed to be used in a way that helps drivers keep their eyes on the road,” they said, but now it looks like this defense doesn’t hold water.

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