east texas

WATCH: ‘If You See Them, KILL Them.’ Harmful Jumping Worms to Invade Texas
WATCH: ‘If You See Them, KILL Them.’ Harmful Jumping Worms to Invade Texas
WATCH: ‘If You See Them, KILL Them.’ Harmful Jumping Worms to Invade Texas
Some headlines are just so weird they make you stop and ask yourself what the heck is even happening these days? At the same time, when we get so used to bizarre headlines, you may be at the point where you're not even really all that surprised. Anyway, let the strange collective dream we're all having called life continue... Aren't invading earthbound worms concerning enough? Do we have to contend with the idea that JUMPING worms are heading our way here in Texas?
What People Love Most About Living in Tyler, Texas
What People Love Most About Living in Tyler, Texas
What People Love Most About Living in Tyler, Texas
There was quite a variety of responses. Some commented on the people, generally. Others on the recent developments in the downtown area and outdoor options for getting out into nature. Others like the small-town feel and the love of history that's reflected so beautifully in our museums and older architecture, some of which is lovingly preserved.

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