
What’s Your Choice: Traditional School or Virtual Learning? [POLL]
What’s Your Choice: Traditional School or Virtual Learning? [POLL]
What’s Your Choice: Traditional School or Virtual Learning? [POLL]
As a parent or student what will be your decision for the 2020/2021 school year? Will you choose traditional or virtual schooling? That's the choice each person will have to make when enrolling and preparing for school this year. There's pros and cons to each choice and it won't be an easy one to make.
Healthy Alternative?
Healthy Alternative?
Healthy Alternative?
The hot new trend is e-cigarettes; also known as vapor cigarettes or 'vaping'. Several of our staff have taken up 'vaping' as a replacement for cigarettes and I can personally say I am thankful. I have been smoke free for over 3 years now and about 3 to 6 months into my non-smoking journey I apologized to every non-smoker I had been around my entire smoking life. I had no idea I smelled THAT BAD!
Dad Honestly and (Hilariously) Fills Out Daycare Questionnaire On Behalf of 11-Month-Old Daughter [PHOTO]
Dad Honestly and (Hilariously) Fills Out Daycare Questionnaire On Behalf of 11-Month-Old Daughter [PHOTO]
Dad Honestly and (Hilariously) Fills Out Daycare Questionnaire On Behalf of 11-Month-Old Daughter [PHOTO]
Personality surveys are pretty standard in many schools. They exist to give the staff a little insight into the life of the child they are responsible for taking care of. This father was asked to fill this out on behalf of his 11-month-old daughter, and fill it out he did. I can't be sure about the type of responses the daycare was expecting, but this father gave some very honest and hilarious answers to the silly questionnaire.

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