If you love watermelon, and, really, what's not to love, this is the weekend for you!  It's time for the Rush Springs Watermelon Festival located in the Jeff Davis Park on East Main Street in Rush Springs, OK.

Watermelon.Shallow dof.

The festival celebrates the watermelon harvest, and is (rightly so),  surrounded by all things watermelon, including seed spitting contests, a watermelon 5K, live music and carnival rides.

This is a time when the small town of Rush Springs really shines as people come from all over the state to enjoy fresh watermelon!

We love the festival, and have in years past been able to host some very knowledgeable Watermelon Queens.  In 2015, our guest Queen showed us the correct way to slice a watermelon.  Who knew that you could have an ice cold spear of watermelon? Check this out!

And, I have absolutely no idea who came up with the idea to see how many rubber bands it would take to make a watermelon explode, but, I'm gonna blame former Morning Crew co-host Seth for the idea.  (He's not here to defend himself.) What I do know is that we were banned from ever trying any more experiments in our kitchen that involved exploding fruit. I have to watch the video again to see just how many rubber bands it actually took!

The Watermelon Festival begins tomorrow, Thursday, August 12 at 6 pm, and runs through Saturday at 10pm,with carnival rides, live entertainment and of course free watermelon.

The 5K and 10K runs kick off on Saturday morning at 7am.

Visit the Rush Springs Watermelon Festival on Facebook for more information!

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