Virtual Car Show III – Week 2 – Vote Now!
Congratulations to our Week 1 Winner: Travis Bennett and his 2009 Dodge Challenger
Travis said "We bought it in November of 2008 and have been showing it since the first week. Just finished adding heads and a cam to add a little more horsepower. We love this car and the people that we have had the opportunity to meet and hang out with because of it."
We like it too Travis. Now it's time to vote for your favorite in our Week 2 competition.
Cast Your Vote
Click on the photo of each vehicle to enlarge it and see a slide show of 3 pictures! Then make your choice! You can vote once per day until midnight Sunday, November 4th. The winner of this week's competition will go on to compete in the Best in Show the week of November 19th!
If you haven't registered your vehicle yet we still have room in Week 3 and Week 4 of our competition. You can register your car HERE!