Watch the Morning Crew’s Critter take on the ‘Cool Again’ Dance! It’s Epic!
Country Music inspires dancing. You found that out with the 'Urban Cowboy' phase way back in the 70's. Then of course the recent dance craze to 'Old Town Road' can't be denied.
Well, now, there's a brand new craze that has already hit TikTok, and has found it's way to Lawton Oklahoma, more specifically to KLAW Radio. If you listen to the Morning Crew at all, you know that Co-host Critter has the rhythm in him! He just wants to Dance! He will tell you that nearly everyday that we back announce a dance song. Last week we were talking about the latest Kane Brown song, and I asked if he'd seen the new dance moves that go along with the song.
After he saw this video, it was on! He practiced, and practiced, and I do believe you will enjoy his version of 'Cool Again'. But first, look at what he's up against!
Girls in short shorts, guys with tans, and Critter. I'd say they go hand in hand, don't you think? At any rate, you and I both know that Critter can pull anything off, once he puts his mind to it! Gotta give him props for trying anyway!
Kane Brown has released a brand new song in the last week as well. As many songs have come from the recent shutdown due to the Coronovirus COVID 19, Brown used the recent racial tension to release a song that needs to be heard, and taken to heart. While we all just want to be cool again, let's all remember that we are all 'Worldwide Beautiful'.