What is your Best Excuse for not Doing THIS Each Day?
I don't know about you, but I love getting into a made bed every night. Something about the covers all being straight and sheets pulled up, just makes it feel like it's a mini vacation every night.
I wish I could say that this happens every night. Truth is, there are a couple of very sound reasons that the bed doesn't get made. If James if off, nine times out of ten, it doesn't get made. He doesn't have strong feelings about it like I do. If I get up late, I still have the desire to make the bed, I just don't have the time.
When we moved into the new house, I made a concerted effort to make the bed everyday before I leave for work. My sister, who I admire greatly, told me one time 'I always try to make my bed everyday. Because if you make your bed, you have already accomplished one thing before your even start work.' There is something to be said for goals and successes! Why not keep that success rate going, right?
I have a great excuse most mornings,it's an 11 pound little brindle colored shihtzu named Brooks. Brooks is one of two dogs that think they own the bed. But Brooks really OWNS it. After I'm all dressed and ready to go, she has claimed the absolute middle of the bed. Try as I may, I can't get her to move. Many a morning, I am pulling her along with the covers. It's pretty comical really if there was anyone watching! For this early bird...not so much! I may even growl. When did bed-making become an amusement ride for a little doggie.
What is your best excuse for not making your bed? Take our fun poll!
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