What to Do When the Stomach Bug Strikes
First, I have to say, I cannot remember the last time I have been so sick. What started out as an ordinary stay at home Friday night ended up entirely different than I expected.
sick woman lying in bed
I consider myself a healthy person, but when this bug hit, it hit really hard. I had to do some research because there is so much about a common stomach flu that I did not know.
- You are contagious way longer than you think. James and I both were sick, but felt better after just 12 hours. So we thought no problem. Wrong! You are contagious up to 48 hours from the last time you show symptoms! Eek. And I allowed my kids and grand kids to be here!
- So how do people get it from you? According to the Mayo Clinic, you can contract the virus associated with gastroenteritis from close contact with someone who has had it. Surfaces, food, and touch are major factors. And, just so you know, hand washing dishes doesn't take germs away from you. Dishwashers, rule. Just saying.
- So, just how do you avoid getting sick when a family member has it? Wash, wash, wash. Your hands should be washed as often as possible. Stay away from an ill family member. Wipe off shopping cart handles. Clean counter tops and surfaces with disinfectant spray, and wash clothes and bedding as well.
Sounds like such simple rules. Wish I had done my research ahead of the bug biting all around my house! Taking care of my family has always been my first priority, now it seems that I have failed miserably. Take care of yourself and family as this bug is out to get you.
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