With the signing of the newest proclamation from the City Council of Lawton, face masks are now required in public for the foreseeable future.

It's hard to know just where to get good quality face masks.  I've done some ordering on line, and even ordered some elastic to be able to make my own, but, really is just takes a bit on investigative abilities to find the best quality for the best price.

First, let me say for the record, I do believe wearing masks can help protect people from the Coronavirus, and because of that belief, I am more than willing to help protect the residents of Lawton by wearing a mask when in public.

That's not to say, it won't take some time to get used to.  James and I had to turn around and go home this weekend after we got to a place of business, saw their 'face mask required' sign from the City of Lawton.  So, next time we will be better prepared!  We also witnessed a patron asked to leave a local restaurant because they were not wearing masks. Yes, it will take some time, but working together, let's hope this small act will help us control the escalating numbers of the virus in our City and State.

I've put together a list of some of my favorite face mask sites.  I've actually ordered from most of these, so I know first hand that they are good quality for the price.  And if I can help save lives while saving money, I'm all in.


Where to Find Face Masks

How to Make a No-Sew Face Mask From Leggings

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