Cameron University will host Vet Fest April 1 and 2 in Lawton, Oklahoma! The two-day event will take place concurrently with the university's annual Veterans Resource Fair.

Vet Fest will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily April 1 and 2 on the second floor of the McMahon Centennial Complex, located on the Cameron University campus, 2800 W Gore Blvd. Vet Fest is hosted by the Cameron University Office of Veterans Affairs.

What to expect at Vet Fest.

Various informational sessions will take place during Vet Fest. Highlights include a presentation from VA OKC Medical Center Director about growth and updates to the Lawton-Fort Sill area. The VA OKC Medical Center will also host a PACT Act/Community Engagement Event.

Information on the PACT Act:

The Department of Veterans Affairs is launching one of the biggest expansions of health care in its history, by accelerating the eligibility timeline under the PACT Act. On March 5, all veterans exposed to toxic substances and other hazards during military service — at home or abroad — will be eligible to enroll directly in VA health care without first applying for VA benefits.

That includes all veterans who served in the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, the global war on terror, or any other combat zone after 9/11. Veterans who never deployed but were exposed to toxins or hazards while training or on active duty in the United States will also be eligible to enroll.

Also, a VA Tribal Government Relations Specialist will be giving tribal updates for veterans.

Cameron University Office of Veterans Affairs
Cameron University Office of Veterans Affairs

More to expect from Vet Fest.

Several speakers will be hosting informational sessions on the second floor of the McMahon Centennial Complex April 1 and 2 for Vet Fest. A full calendar of events is available below.

Cameron University Office of Veterans Affairs
Cameron University Office of Veterans Affairs

For more information about Vet Fest, contact the Cameron University Office of Veterans Affairs at 580-581-2301.

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