‘23 Jump Street’ Will Also Be a ‘Men in Black’ Reboot. Huh?
‘23 Jump Street’ is a sequel that is surely happening, this despite all the many hilarious sequel jokes during the ‘22 Jump Street’ end credits. The franchise is just too popular to let die. But, how exactly would you sequelize ‘22 Jump Street’, which did a pretty effective job of sending up sequel cliches? Well, you send Jenko and Schmidt to the Men in Black program, of course.
In one of the weirdest and ultimately most intriguing movie ideas we’ve heard in recent memory, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sony has plans to continue one of their most popular franchises while also revitalizing one of their flagging franchises. The studio is planning an ambitious ‘Jump Street’/’Men in Black’ crossover that would serve as a sequel to the former and a reboot of the latter.
Details are scant, but Jonah Hill (who called the idea “rad”) and Channing Tatum would return and become the latest Men in Black recruits. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones were not expected to star in any major way, other than a brief cameo. Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who directed both the previous ‘Jump Street’ movies, would produce the film with an eye to direct. (Whatever it is, Sony seems hot on keeping Lord and Miller in house, after they left to direct ‘LEGO Movie’ at Warner Bros. Just yesterday came word the studio is also developing a Spider-Man animated movie with the directing duo.)
So far, no script is in place (the studio is still reaching out to original ‘Men in Black’ producer Steven Spielberg for approval), but Sony is ready to greenlight the film based on concept and talent alone with a 2016/2017 release date planned.
It’s all completely bizarre, but, like the studio, we’re interested based on the concept and talent involved. On a commercial level, it completely makes sense. The ‘Men in Black’ franchise is eventually going to get rebooted, why not do it with Hill and Tatum and just spinoff the ‘Jump Street’ movies. It’s a completely goofy and silly idea, but so goofy that it just might work.
What do you think? Do you buy into a ‘Jump Street’/‘Men in Black’ mashup?