5 Things You Can Buy in Lawton with $1,000!
Enter in our National Seize the Deal Contest and you can win $1000! But hurry up, the contest ends March 20th! Here is a list of what we would buy with $1,000! How about you? Tell us on Facebook!
Show Dogs from Liberty Theater
I could buy 400 show dogs! Have you ever had the show dogs from Liberty Theater in Carnegie? They are legendary. It is the longest continuously running theater in the state of Oklahoma. I don't know if it's the way the steam the dogs and buns or if it is the home made chili sauce. They are really good!
Cherry Limeade from Sonic
I could buy 460(+) Cherry Limeades from Sonic! Or would I want Cranberry, or strawberry.....oh, so many choices!
Truffels from the Sweet Shop at Scott's House of Flowers!
Oh, I know! I could buy 363 truffles from the Sweet Shop at Scott's House of Flowers! I could even share a couple of them with that much money! I am told that you can really enjoy them when you eat them slowly....I have never been able to eat them slowly.
Vanilla Cream Dr. Pepper from Wayne's Drive In
I could buy 445 Jumbo Vanilla Cream Dr. Pepper's from Wayne's Drive In. I have not had one of these personally but I'm told they are to die for. With 445 of them I'm sure I would be able to form an opinion.
Cinco Margarita from El Chico
OK, my final guilty pleasure. I could buy 143 Cinco Margarita's from El Chico I LOVE the cinco margarita's from El Chico in Central Mall. They don't even have to ask me what I want. They see my face and start making me one.