Altus Town Hall To Discuss New Fire Station
The town of Altus has called a special town meeting for tonight at 6:00 pm to discuss a proposal for the new Altus Central Fire Station. The proposal involves the construction of the fire station, to be paid for through MAPS sales tax revenues. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.
The proposed station will replace the current Central Fire Station, located on East Commerce Street. The proposal calls for the new station to be located on the 200 block of North Park Lane, across from the City's Aquatic Center. The plan involves construction of an approximately 22,000 square foot facility
The general public is invited to attend the meeting and hear a presentation on the proposed floor plan of the station and its location. Those in attendance will have a chance to comment on the proposal and share their suggestions for the new facility. Anyone unable to attend may contact the City Engineer with questions or comments by phone at (580) 481-3518 or by email at jbarron@altusok.gov.
The City of Altus encourages participation from all of its citizens. If participation is not possible due to a disability, notification to the Mayor’s office at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting is encouraged to make the necessary accommodations. The City may waive the 48 hour rule if signing is not the necessary accommodation. Call (580) 481-2202 to make the necessary arrangements. We will accommodate you anytime and in every way possible.