High School Football, as much as classes beginning, marks the beginning of Fall in Oklahoma. In Lawton, the three secondary schools have just released the schedules for the fall season.
Sherrell Grubbs from the City of Lawton Parks and Recreations department stopped by and visited with the Morning Crew on Thursday to talk about the city's upcoming "Back To School Bash".
With the budget of the Lawton Public School system being slashed to the bone, student supplies are at a bare minimum and parents are left to shoulder the expense of basic school supplies for their students.
The next few weekends will be filled with a glimpse of France as Cameron University's 3rd Annual French Film Festival opens tonight at the Cameron Theater. The Festival is free to students and the General Public, however seating is limited.
In this day and time, it isn't always easy to make ends meet, and with the new school year almost upon us, it is even tougher when you have kids to outfit to go back to school.