This has to be the shortest 'how to' video ever!  When I found the story on how to quickly remove dog hair from my living room furniture, I knew that I had to try it for myself.

When my soldier son Tyler moved in with me, several years ago, I inherited a large dog, Ranger.  Ranger is 4 times bigger than my Cooper, and he sheds so much.  When I vacuum, there is almost enough dog hair to create another little dog!  I am always warning people who sit down on my furniture that they will be covered with Ranger hair.  It doesn't matter how many times I vacuum, it is now a fact of life.

When I saw this post of a quick, easy, and cheap answer to unwanted dog hair, I just had to try it for myself!

Watch to see if it really works! *(Please pay no attention to the laundry in the background!  At least you can't see my Christmas Tree still up in the other corner!)


Update:  Now, I am seeing these gloves with 'fingers' on them all of the time!  And, and as much as I like a 'quick fix' to cleaning up dog hair, this just isn't quick enough.  Luckily, I've changed furniture to leather, and it's is so much easier to contain dog hair than my upholstered furniture was.  Now, if I can just get rid of little doggie foot prints on my shiny kitchen floor.

If you have tried this method, comment below, I'd love to hear how it worked for you!

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