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In 1991, Alisan Porter was ten years old; that was the year that she burst into the American consciousness as the title character in the movie Curly Sue. She had previously appeared in the movies Parenthood in 1989 and I Love You To Death in 1990. And like many child stars, she eventually grew out of her youthly cuteness and went on with her life. And like many child stars, she struggled with a normal life

Fast forward to 2016 and Curly Sue is all grown up. And here's a spoiler: Alisan Porter can sing.

Tony Bennett & Susan Benedetto's Exploring the Arts Gala - Inside
Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Exploring the Arts

With the premier of season 10 of NBC's The Voice just days away, video has emerged of one of the auditions, one which earned a four-chair turn. An unknown singer takes the stage and blows the minds of Blake Shelton, Adam Levine Pharrell Williams and Christina Aguilera with an incredible version of Linda Ronstadt's "Blue Bayou". During the post performance interview with the potential coaches, we learn the performer's story. A story of early success, of appearances on programs such as Star Search, a fall from grace and redemption, and how "Curly Sue" came to be standing in front of four impressed super stars.

It is the story of Alisan Porter.

But this was not the young Alisan Porter of the early 90's movies; it was a mature, mother of two who was following her dream. A dream that she now prefers to that of the young actress from Worcester, MA.

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When asked by Pharrell Williams about her path to singing, Porter told of recovery and 8 years of sobriety. She talked about becoming a mother, and how all she wanted to be during that time was to be a good mom. She then brought it all into prospective, putting it all to the universes plan for her.

Season 10 of The Voice premieres Monday, at 8 Eastern on NBC.

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