The heat in Lawton Oklahoma is a real topic of conversation.  But, it's something that those of us who have lived in Oklahoma for any length of time are used to.  Those just arriving in Lawton, may be thinking, 'Let's just stay inside until Fall', and rightly so, it's not looking like there will be much relief until then.


The National Weather Service tracks historical data about the record number of days over 100 degrees, and for the entire state, that number is 63.  That's two full months (non-consectuive) with all of the counties in Oklahoma averaging their high temperatures.  Still, it's a huge number.

While researching Lawton's numbers, I enlisted the help of former KSWO Meteorologist Austin Bowling, whom I affectionately refer to as 'TV'.  Likewise, I will forever be known to him as 'Radio'. Austin and I worked together, sort of.  He was the morning Meteorologist during the time that KSWO supplied our weather forecasts and we got to know each other and became friends. Austin also served as weather guru in Tennessee and most recently part-time in Wichita Falls.  He is someone that I trust when it comes to the weather, as he has been here during some of the hottest times on record.

Austin, contacted the National Weather Service to ask the question, 'What is the number of consecutive days with the temp exceeding 100 degrees in Lawton, Oklahoma?' The answer came from Rick Smith at NWS Norman "OK - it looks like the most consecutive days was 50, ending 8/10/2011. The most at or above 100 in a season for Lawton is 89!"

In fact, there were two years tying for the hottest Summers, 2011 and 1980.

We are dangerously close to breaking a record folks.  Our first day to top triple digits happened in May 2022, but the consecutive number of days didn't begin until June. Now we just wait to see if we can break that record! But do we really want to?

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In no particular order, here are another fifteen amazing local Southwest Oklahoma eats, and be sure to check out the O.G. 15 Amazing SWOK Hole-In-The-Wall Eats right here when you're done...

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Things To Do In Lawton - Fort Sill

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