Are you having a hard time keeping your eyes open at work? Bored of the same old day-in-day-out monotony of your desk job? Maybe it's time to switch things up at work and refocus yourself with some helpful tips! If nothing else, at least you can distract yourself from your boring job with this little article. Win-win!

1. Take frequent walks.

If you can, hop up and walk around your office every once in a while. You could even volunteer to run errands in the building for your coworkers. Anything to get the blood pumping and take your eyes off of spreadsheets for a few minutes could help take your mind off of how badly you just want to take a nap.

2. Laugh more!

Find a coworker to joke around and laugh with. Don't let it get out of hand, but find someone to buddy up with that makes work more fun.

3. Avoid eating a huge lunch.

Hitting up a Chinese buffet on your lunch break might not be the best idea. A smaller lunch and a couple of snacks throughout the day might help you focus better.

4. Don't look at the news during work.

News and social media can TOTALLY distract you from what you're trying to achieve at work. We all know it's true. Do you think you could survive the day without your phone? Try it out and see if it helps.

5. Take some deep breaths.

Give your brain a little more oxygen if you're feeling foggy with some deep breaths. Be sure to let your shoulders relax when you exhale.

6. Keep things on your desk that inspire you.

Have a favorite quote? A photo of your family? Keep things on your desk that make you feel good and inspire you to do better at your job.

7. Maintain eye contact and smile more!

Sometimes, a smile is all you need to strike up a conversation with another employee and get the ball rolling on a new project that excites you. Try to be open and friendly to everyone, even if you're tired and not in the mood. Changing your attitude can make a huge difference.

Do you have any good tips you'd like to share? Feel free to comment below this article wherever you see it, or email me at, and keep scrolling for more interesting content below...


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