'Last Man Club' Executive Producer, Linda Pandolph, grew up right here in Lawton, Oklahoma.  She went to school at Jefferson Elementary, Central Junior High, and graduated at Lawton High School.  Linda had this dream of being in the pictures.  That dream took her to several small roles in films, then life happened, and she pursued other interests.

Bo Brinkman Director Last Man Club 2016

Enter Bo Brinkman and the little film that could, 'Last Man Club'.  Linda met Bo through mutual friends and Bo shared the story behind the film that he had started years before, but lost funding, and never finished.

Jim MacKrell, W. Morgan Sheppard and Kate French Last Man Club 2016

Pandolph and Brinkman screened this film in Lawton in December of 2015 for the first time in Linda's hometown with a red carpet reception that included lead actor, Jim MacKrell, and young Blaze Tucker.  On Memorial Day weekend 2016, it was released in limited theaters across the country. The charitable organization,Vetflicks.com has been incredibly supportive of this film, sponsoring screenings across Middle America over Veterans Day.

Last Man Club has won numerous awards, most recently, LMC won the Family Feature at the Garden State Film Festival, the final festival for Last Man Club prior to it's video release. Last Man Club is set for VOD/DVD release this Memorial Day, but available NOW to pre-order from iTunes Top Pre Orders!

Pandolph said of winning this final award,

"We could not have asked for a better honor than to receive the Family Feature Award from GSFF-We screened the film on Opening night of the festival, and Joseph McClorey**, (whose dream it is to have American Flags in every theater in the near future) had positioned American Flags in over half the seats in the theatre. When the credits rolled on Last Man Club, it was wonderful to hear the thunderous applause from the sold out crowd and see our film patrons waving American Flags!  Words cannot describe the feeling of this particular screening - perhaps because we knew it would be our last film festival screening - but we believe that "magic" occurred in that theatre and it really felt "special".

The Garden State Film Festival* was amazingly well organized and executed down to the smallest detail. Volunteers were knowledgeable and friendly – everyone had all of the answers!"


family feature winner
Click image to view Winners from the Garden State Film Festival

*For More information on Garden State Film Festival:

Diane Raver - Diane Raver diane@gsff.org  Founder

Margaret Fontana margfontana@gmail.com – Executive Director

Lauren Concar  Lauren-GSFF lauren@gsff.org marketing

**Joseph McClorey   joepatrioticmovie@yahoo.com  248-521-4002  for more information on his “American Flag in theaters” movement.

Watch trailer for Last Man Club:






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